TwitchCon Rotterdam Recap


Europe, It Was A Pleasure...

The MythWalker Team has made the journey back to the United States and although it is nice to go back to the regular work week routine, we definitely miss the convention atmosphere! Don't worry, we've got a fun recap below of our trip to The Netherlands; we hope you enjoy!

Also, please forgive our absence on last week's blog. Between our long journey back, a couple days rest, and the 4th of July, we decided to save the Weekly Update for this week instead!

Quick Readers, here is your TLDR:

  • MythWalker Explores The Netherlands

  • Twitch Rivals Arena at TwitchCon Europe

  • Employee Spotlight

  • Armor Upgrade Exploration

MythWalker Explores The Netherlands

Members of the MythWalker Team arrived in The Netherlands early for a week-long adventure including exploration, convention prep, and in-person introductions to MythWalker!

From visiting the 19 beautiful windmills in Kinderdijk, to wandering the canals of Amsterdam, we had an amazing opportunity to explore some of the wonderous pieces of culture that makes The Netherlands such a beautiful country to travel to.

And although there is so much to explore, there is still work to be done! If you are reading this Weekly Update, you likely know that MythWalker is a geolocation game, which means we had ample opportunity to jump into Mytherra while being in Earth's Europe! Personally, having played MythWalker all of these years in the United States it was quite amazing to experience playing in a completely new environment! It may seem like a simple thing to expect a game to work from one region to the next, but when you actually do it yourself it is such a joyful moment!

But enough talking, here are a couple of shots taken during our Netherlands trip!

Rotterdam Skyline

Kinderdijk Windmills

Twitch Rivals Arena at TwitchCon Europe

MythWalker had quite the opportunity a couple weekends ago! If you aren't aware already, we visited The Netherlands for a very exciting reason: MythWalker was with Twitch Rivals Arena at TwitchCon Europe!

The MythWalker booth right outside the Twitch Rivals entrance had thousands of visitors who came to learn a bit about MythWalker, grab some free stickers, and sign up for our Closed Beta. We are truly grateful for every single one of you who took the time to hear about MythWalker. We are very excited to get the game into your hands soon!

MythWalker also had some monumental moments during Twitch Rivals! During all of the Myth or Meta interviews with Twitch Rivals competitors, our brand new trailer was shown to the crowd and broadcast on their stream, and with the MythWalker logo being shown in so many different locations, this was easily a moment that the MythWalker team will never forget!

If you missed any of the exciting moments that occurred during Twitch Rivals, we highly encourage you to visit and take a look at all of the amazing content that they produce!

MythWalker Team Spotlight

Rodney Kite - Software Engineer

What is your name and what role do you play in the development of MythWalker?

  • My name is Rodney Kite, and I am a software engineer working primarily on fixing bugs and adding polish to or extending existing parts of the game.

What is the thing you are most proud of that you built / created / worked on for MythWalker?

  • The thing I am most proud of is my work in the various minigames. There are a lot of interesting parts to them, and I am excited for everyone to get to see them.

Which Class and Species would you classify yourself as?

  • I would say that I am a Wulven Priest, providing support to the other members of the team wherever it is needed! My sometimes-unruly haircut is where the Wulven part comes from.

Outside of MythWalker, what are you actively playing?

  • These days when I am not playing MythWalker I play Stellaris, trying to conquer the galaxy. It’s all fun and games until the other side forms a Galactic Council and teams up against you with overwhelming forces! Next time I play I will try to be more friendly to my galactic neighbors…., just long enough to wipe out their weaker allies!

If you could get to a professional level of any hobby or activity what would it be?

  • One of the things I do at home is cook and bake. Cakes, cookies, cheesecake, pie, souffles, etc. I originally considered going to culinary school when I graduated from high school. I certainly don’t regret the path I have taken to making games, but I would love to have legendary chef skills! Yummy!

Who's a person that you find very interesting? And what makes them special / why do you connect with this person?

  • My grandfather was a rancher in Wyoming. He taught me many life lessons when I was a teen that have held true every day of my life. I think that his philosophy of life helped form mine in a big way and that is why I always felt a close connection to him.

Do you have anything else you’d like to share?

  • Making games is my second or third career, depending on how you count them. I always wanted to make computer games from the moment of playing my first one. It was only after years of doing other work that I got the chance to make the change. I went back to school and learned what I needed to get into the gaming industry. If you have a dream, don’t let it go! Someday the path to it may open for you and you want to be ready to take it!

Armor Upgrade Exploration

MythWalker offers a ton when it comes to armor collection, crafting, and upgrades. As you adventure throughout Mytherra you'll be looting armor and weapons as you slay enemies and complete quests. Once you've decided it is time to take a break and visit Hyport, you'll find shops where you can buy, sell, craft, temper, reforge, and dismantle gear you've picked up along the way!

These early images showcase some of the earlier concepts for upgraded armor sets for the Wulven Warrior and the Human Spellslinger. Once it's decided that the designs are good to move forward, we bring the concepts to our 3D art team where they are sculpted, ready to fit onto character models.

Can You Believe It's July Already?

Somehow this year is already half over... As this year continues to move as fast as it is, we are working on getting MythWalker ready for the new Closed Beta regions coming soon. Be sure to stay tuned for updates!

This Weekly Update wraps up the first half of July, but there is much more to come over the next couple of months. We are very much looking forward to bringing you the latest and greatest, as well as potentially meeting more of you in person at some incredible gaming events!

With all of that said, we here at NantGames are honored to have you as a member of this wonderful community and we hope that we can bring some excitement and memories to the second half of 2024 for you!

Same place next week,

Keith & Everyone on the MythWalker Team