Welkom to the Netherlands!


MythWalker Visits Europe!

This MythWalker Weekly Update comes to you from The Netherlands! We've got some very fun news for you and based on what you're about to read, we hope to see some of you in person!

A quick TLDR of this Weekly Update for you busy readers:

  • TwitchCon - Rotterdam

  • MythWalker x Twitch Rivals

  • Employee Spotlight

  • In the Early Days of MythWalker

Visit us at Twitch Rivals Arena at TwitchCon Rotterdam

MythWalker will be at TwitchCon Rotterdam with Twitch Rivals! This also happens to be the very first gaming convention for MythWalker!

MythWalker's Community, Social, and Marketing Team arrived earlier this week and has been hard at work getting everything set up for you all to stop by our booth and say hello! If you are planning on attending the event, be sure to stop by the MythWalker booth! We are located just before you enter the Twitch Rivals section.

At the booth you will be able to chat with some members from the team, ask all the questions you'd like (and get all the answers we are able to share!), play some of the MythWalker Closed Beta, and grab some exclusive goodies we brought for you!

We very much look forward to seeing you there!

MythWalker Team Spotlight

Matt Geer - Lead Designer

What is your name and what role do you play in the development of MythWalker?

  • Hi! My name is Matt Geer and I'm the Lead Designer of Mythwalker!

What is the thing you are most proud of that you built / created / worked on for MythWalker?

  • It's almost impossible to list one thing! I've been here from the start so I've touched the entire game. The thing I'm probably most proud of is our accessibility options. When Jesse (the Creative Director ) and I sat down to design this game, accessibility was perhaps the biggest puzzle we set out to solve within the geolocation RPG genre. Finding a good balance between promoting real-world play and giving the player options for 'couch play' has been a huge design challenge over the last few years, but through a lot of trial and error, we've landed in a perfect place. Navigator Form is just the first of these features, and we've got even more coming that I can't wait to reveal to everyone!

Which Class and Species would you classify yourself as?

  • Wulven Warrior! It's even the name of my fantasy football team!

Outside of MythWalker, what are you actively playing?

  • I'm currently playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder. I have a toddler who is absolutely obsessed with Mario and we love to play the game together. Nintendo's addition of accessible characters like Yoshi and Nabbit is a fantastic way of opening the game up to parents trying to play with their children. It's one of the few games I can play with my young son that I can make progress on without worrying about losing all my lives or needing to spend extra time helping him with challenges he doesn't have the hand-eye coordination to complete yet. I'm loving it, and so is my kid. Creating more lifelong Nintendo fans!

If you could have an extraordinarily impressive collection of something, what would it be and why?

  • I collect Dragon Quest/Warrior games and memorabilia. Dragon Warrior on the NES was the first game I ever remember playing. I was very young at the time, and my dad would hand me the controller and have me walk around in circles and mash 'A' whenever a slime would pop up to fight. I loved it because I was getting to play a game, but it wasn't until I was older that I realized that he was having me grind XP for him. Regardless, that sparked my love for RPGs, and I've made it a point to own every Dragon Quest game and spinoff released in the US - including re-releases and variants. I have every game in my collection complete in box except for Dragon Warrior 3 for the NES.

If you could teleport to anywhere in the world for 1 day, where would you go and what would you do?

  • That's easy, I'd teleport to Osaka and get an egg salad sandwich from 7-11. After that, I'd spend the rest of the day eating tsukemen, katsu, and curry until I could no longer move.

Do you have anything else you’d like to share?

  • The community that we've been able to cultivate in such a short time has been amazing, and I would like to say thank you to them for their support. We are a small and passionate team of people who really want to push this genre forward and open it up for a whole audience of players who have generally been left behind by this genre. I've been going to events and talking to some of you in person and I can see that there are many out there itching for a game like this. I'm so excited that we can bring it to you! I can speak for the entire design team when I say we can't wait to work with you, the community, for years to come to make Mythwalker the most fun and accessible geolocation RPG out there. I'm on our discord as KingNeville, if anyone would like to reach out to me directly. I look forward to seeing you all in Mytherra!

In The Early Days of MythWalker...

Game development is such a fun process because of all the experimentation that happens while you figure out exactly what you are making - whether it be super unique concept art, hilarious bugs, or systems that just didn't end up working with the flow of the game.

I dug a little deep for this one, but this comes from our art team during the time when we were working on the design of the MythWalker Logo. During this time we were also dialing into exactly what the name of the game should be. We ended up naming the game as a team, through a HUGE bracket system where everyone was able to submit names and we voted on the best names as a team.

Enjoy some of these early concepts after we chose MythWalker as the official name:

Until Next Week...

This weekend is going to be one to remember for MythWalker! If we get the chance to meet you in person, thank you so much for taking the time to visit us! If you are reading this from a distant land, maybe we'll get the opportunity to meet at a future convention! In either case, thank you for reading this week's MythWalker Weekly Update.

See you here next week,

Keith & Everyone on the MythWalker Team