Play Cool in the Summer Heat


Play Cool in the Summer Heat

Hello southern hemisphere friends! Summers are great but we recognize it can present its own environmental dangers. As promised, here are tips to make sure you stay safe and healthy as you’re out and about playing MythWalker (along with our general, non-weather related best practices):

  • Know what you’re walking into. Before venturing outside, make sure you’re aware of any severe weather notifications, like excessive heat, downpours, flash flooding and high winds. Please make smart decisions when deciding if it’s safe enough to venture outside with your mobile devices. Please do not put yourself in danger or get caught off guard out there.

  • Location, location, location. You don’t always need to be outdoors to play MythWalker. Sometimes an indoor shopping complex will provide a safe, air-conditioned place where you can cover a good chunk of distance.  Alternatively, consider a well-maintained public park with trees for shade and water refill stations. Just make sure you don’t trespass into any private or restricted areas.

  • Equip epic gear IRL. Make sure you’re equipping the right gear for the occasion. We here at NantGames are big fans of sunscreens. Long-sleeve shirts that protect against UV rays, sun glasses and wide brimmed hats are great for further sun projection. If it’s monsoon season where you are, rain boots and a parka will help keep you comfortable and dry. Don’t forget your copper pick axe!

  • Better with buddies. It can be hard to imagine needing anyone besides your Navigator, but the more can definitely be merrier, especially when it’s not perfectly sunny with a cool breeze outside. Besides having allies to look out for each other in the real world, up to three Mythwalkers can band together through the Party feature to take on bigger battles, mine bigger resources, and reap greater rewards. Don’t forget to bring your Wulven, err…. DOG friends along too!

  • The Great indoors. If it’s too brutal outside, there is no shame in staying in with the fan on! Put that Portal energy to good use and explore the world with the Tap-to-Move functionality, or teleport to faraway places through your Portals. These ultra-accessible features were made for days like this.

We hope you’re having fun no matter what part of the world you’re exploring. See you soon Mythwalkers!