Play Smart, Play Safe, Mythwalkers!


Play Smart, Play Safe, Mythwalkers!

February is already upon us fellow Mythwalkers! While our friends in the Northern hemisphereare dealing with blizzards, atmospheric rivers and other winter conditions, those in the Southern hemisphere are managing the heat and summer floods. This is a good time to remind everyone to please stay safe and be vigilant of outside environments when out and about exploring Mytherra – there are things way more dangerous than a band of Final Judgement baddies.  For our friends in the middle of winter weather, here are some best practices to stay safe while playing MythWalker. To our summer friends, we’ll have you covered soon too.

  • Know what you’re walking into. Before venturing outside, look out your window, check weather reports and heed severe weather conditions warnings.  Be wise when deciding if it’s safe enough to be playing MythWalker outside if you’re facing icy roads, blizzard conditions and extreme cold. Please do not put yourself in danger or get caught off guard out there.

  • Location, location, location. You don’t always need to be outdoors to play MythWalker. Sometimes an indoor shopping complex will provide a safe, sheltered place where you can safely walk and cover a good chunk of distance.  Alternatively, a well-maintained public park with paved walkways can also provide a safe space to explore. Just make sure you don’t trespass into any areas that are marked off.

  • Equip epic gear IRL. If you find yourself brave enough to tackle less-than-ideal conditions outdoors, make sure you’re equipping the right gear for the occasion. A good coat, winter boots, warm gloves, copper pickaxe? Check!

  • Better with buddies. It can be hard to imagine needing anyone besides your Navigator, but the more can definitely be merrier, especially when it’s not perfectly sunny with a slight breeze outside. Besides having allies to look out for each other in the real world, up to three Mythwalkers can band together through the Party feature to take on bigger battles, mine bigger resources, and reap greater rewards. Don’t forget to bring your Wulven, err…. DOG friends along too!

  • Snuggle up! There’s no shame in staying in under a warm blanket if it’s doom and gloom outside – better safe than sorry! Put that Portal energy to good use and explore the world with the Tap-to-Move functionality, or teleport to faraway places through your Portals. These ultra-accessible features were made for days like this.

Heroes look out for each other, and we are looking out for you, Mythwalkers! Be safe, continue to have fun, and see you in Mytherra.